What if I told you that freedom from lust is not about trying harder to control your desires?

Too often we focus on behavior modification only to end up frustrated with how we continue to fail. This course helps you get to the root of your sexual struggles and learn to live out your sexuality and purpose as God designed.

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Let me give you the full scoop:

“I’ve tried so many things. What makes this different?”

When I was sixteen years old, I sat in a circle of youth guys during a talk on sexual purity. After the speaker finished, he opened it up for us to share our own stories. I sat there and listened as each of the guys around me began to share how they “struggled with their thoughts” or “faced temptations.” 

Each story was so vague, I grew increasingly nervous as it came close to being my turn to share. 

Just a few years earlier, I had circumvented our internet filter and Googled “pornography” because I heard people use the term and was curious what it meant. To me, that sounded a lot worse than “facing temptations.” What would happen if I shared that story? How would people respond if I talked about the incredible shame I felt when interacting with girls because of the images I had looked at so many times?  

Compared to what others shared, my story felt too vulnerable. I became convinced no one in that group had done or thought about the things I did. So when it came my turn to share, I gave platitudes about “facing temptations” and “struggling with my thoughts” as well. 

Instead of being a moment to confess and start a journey toward freedom, that group meeting taught me to lie about how I was actually doing.

I learned to hide my sin that night and it would take me another four years of ups and downs and failures that accentuated my shame before I would find a freedom so deep it has lasted more than thirteen years.

Today, I’m not hiding anything. Neither am I lying about how I’m actually doing.

God has blessed me with a wife and five children and I am incredibly grateful that I can look them in the eyes without having anything to hide. I fight for them. I am free to engage all of life with confidence and clarity about my role in the lives of those closest to me, actively living out the purpose God has given me.

I wrote about all of this in my book Live Free, which has sold over 1,000 copies. One pastor shared with me how it was the best book on the topic he had ever read.

When men discover that (1) they’re not alone and (2) there is a clear way out, it provides hope for the journey, courage to take it, and lasting freedom along the way.

Most resources focus on behavior modification. 

They tend to be filled with tips on bouncing your eyes, mental manipulation, memorizing scripture, reciting bondage breaking prayers–the list goes on.

But sexuality is extraordinarily complex. It touches every aspect of our being.

Bad behavior stems from a variety of emotional, psychological, and spiritual dynamics in our lives. True transformation doesn’t come by just manipulating our minds. It comes by addressing each dynamic area. 

We must explore the hidden messages underneath our unwanted sexual behaviors, identify the pivotal events that spoke those messages, and then invite Jesus to enter those events and heal our souls in light of the brokenness. Within this context, He can replace the false identities we’ve created for ourselves with the Truth of who He made us to be.

Anyone can take this journey. But everyone needs a guide for this journey. That’s why we created the Live Free Course.

The Live Free Course gives you:

  1. A safe framework for discussing the most shameful parts of our stories
  2. Understanding of the early formation that led to bondage
  3. Healing that goes beyond behavior modification and leads you through the process of forgiving yourself and others so that you’re free to respond to triggers in new and healthy ways
  4. A deep connection with your life’s purpose that guides your way forward into a lifetime of freedom

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How the Live Free Course Works:

The Live Free Course Includes Over $500 in Resources:

Course Topics

Getting the Most Out of This Study: In this introduction, you gain an overview of the structure of the course. You will learn how to make the most of the material and clarify your goals for going through the course.

#1 - Freedom Is Possible: We often define freedom as not doing bad behavior. But what if there is an indicator earlier on in the process as to whether or not you are free from lust? True freedom is not just absence of bad behavior; it's the ability to live confidently into your purpose and calling as a man.

#2 - How I Got Into Unwanted Sexual Behavior: Nobody goes out and purposely ruins their life. Pivotal events in one's life and upbringing shape our responses to thoughts and feelings. Understanding those events will help us understand our broken sexual behaviors. 

#3 - Why I Stay: People choose to continue in behaviors they know are wrong--even sinful--because of five hidden hooks that catch them unawares. Understanding what's happening psychologically and spiritually in the moment of temptation is a crucial step in the journey toward lasting freedom.

#4 - Our Natural Selves vs. Our Spiritual Selves: Sexual feelings aren't bad; God made them. Being ruled by the fallen nature of our flesh is what's bad. Learning to see our bodies and the world through God's eyes helps us develop healthy patterns of living.

#5 - Our Public Selves vs. Our Private Selves: Each of us learns early in life that there are certain aspects of ourselves that other people like and other aspects they don't. In this lesson, we identify the false identities we create in order to avoid shame and the subconscious messages behind those identities.

#6 - Finding Sexual Healing: The journey toward sexual wholeness involves reclaiming our bodies, leaving sexual sin, forgiving ourselves and others, and ending generational patterns and soul ties.

#7 - How to Forgive When the Pain Still Hurts: Forgiveness isn't a one-time event. It's a rhythm of life we come back to each time we feel the pain. In writing out a prayer of forgiveness for each pain-point identified in our story, we can develop a consistent rhythm of forgiveness.

#8 - Writing a New Sexual Story: Did you know that God actually wants us to be sexual? We explore three ways God invites us to be sexual every day and how by doing so we write a new and redemptive sexual story.

#9 - Finding Purpose in Community: People stumble back into unwanted sexual behaviors when they lack meaning and relationships. We identify specific opportunities for going deeper in the relationships around us and exercising our gifts in service of others.

#10 - The Freedom Roadmap: Just because you completed this course doesn't mean your sexual journey automatically gets easier. The Freedom Roadmap gives you an action plan for not only navigating future temptations, but actively fulfilling your purpose as well. Miss this piece, and you'll likely stumble back into failure.

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Absolutely Zero Risk!

If at any time you feel the course has not provided the value you paid for, simply email me and I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Live Free

Want to live without having anything to hide?

We as men want to be able to look people in the eyes without having anything to hide. Even more, we want to fight for others. But there is this thing we have been given that keeps messing us up: sex. Or more specifically, our sexuality. In Live Free, I share my story of wrestling with sexual sin and finding freedom as I discovered more of how God intends me to live out my sexuality as a man. This book is a conversation, really, about how I found freedom from lust and what it means to be a man.

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Endorsements for

Asher Witmer:

Don Showalter

founder of Hearts Alive! Ministries

“Though often seen by many of us as curse rather than gift, as shackles rather than wings, Asher helps us to see the blessing and freedom of finding victory in God’s design.”

Val Yoder

elder at Kitchi Pines Church

"I wish I would have had this kind of honesty from someone when I was young. Asher’s work has the potential of empowering a lot of young men.”

Ernest Witmer

founder of LA ROAD

“The freedom you will experience from taking these truths to heart yourself will be all the evidence you need to convince others of Christ.”

What are participants experiencing?

When you participate in the Live Free Course, you find deep healing and freedom:

Frequently Asked Questions about the Live Free Course

Maybe you've had some of the same questions that others have asked me about the course:

What exactly does the Live Free Course entail? 

The course is made up of 10 video lessons. Each lesson has homework to help people process their stories personally along with discussion questions to help guide group discussion.

How long does it take to complete the Live Free Course?

We designed the course so that people can go through it at whatever pace fits best. However, I do not recommend stretching it out more than 6 months. You could use it as a weekly study, but iIdeally, it probably works best to do in a long weekend where you watch a few sessions on Friday, a few on Saturday, and finish up on Sunday. But that could also make for a fairly heavy weekend as you will be processing some fairly deep stuff. 

The total run-time of all the videos comes to roughly 5.25 hours. However, the videos are designed to simply get you going. There will be more time spend processing personal stories and having group discussion. So, the amount of time in officially takes to go through the course will vary on the size of the group and the format your choose.

Would your book be a good substitute?

The Live Free Book certainly complements the course, but the course gets more practical for you and your story. The book is more theory and the course more hands-on, if that makes sense.

Is the course made for people going alone or in a group?

It can be done individually or in groups. We knew some people may choose to go through it on their own, but we also wanted to create an effective resource for small group leaders.

What denomination do you most closely resemble?

I come from Anabaptist background and serve on the leadership team of an Anabaptist church.

Do you lean Calvinistic?

I do not lean Calvinistic, although I certainly respect my Calvinistic brothers and sisters.

If someone comes to you and asks, how can they get saved and go to Heaven? What is your answer and how do you lead them?

I view salvation through the lens of allegiance more than the lens of a decision or verbal commitment. Salvation is about receiving the gift of God’s grace, which is divine empowerment to live as He designed us to live, walking with Jesus in all areas of life. Feel free to ask more questions on that if you have any, but that’s my street version. 😀

Is this something I could use to help other guys even if I am still struggling?

Absolutely. This would be a great fit for that! It helps both you and those you desire to help.

Any discounts?

Because it is a fresh course, we have it fairly heavily discounted already at 30% off. The course itself retails at $199 and we have a facilitator package that simplifies the process of leading a group. That package costs an additional $79. Right now, you can get everything for just $194.

Having said that, if a discount would help, I’d be happy to work with you. Message me and let me know what price would feel more comfortable for you.

But remember, if at any time you feel the course has not provided the value you paid for, simply email me and I'll send you a full refund. There's zero risk! How much is freedom for yourself or others worth to you?

How do I start?

You can start by previewing the first lesson for free. Or you can simply enroll below, watch the introduction video, and download the resources.

Are you ready for lasting freedom? Ready to help others find it as well? If so, what are you waiting for?

Enroll in the Live Free Course Today!

A bit about myself...

I live with my wife and five kids in Central Colorado where we serve with our church, Skyline Mennonite, and are in the middle of obtaining a Bachelor’s of Advanced Biblical & Cultural Exegesis degree from Eternity Bible College. I know all too well how challenging it can be to follow Jesus faithfully in our current cultural moment. On my blog, I share thoughts on what it looks like to embody Jesus in our world today. You can learn more about me, my work, and my writing by visiting www.asherwitmer.com.